Zaga Center Gdańsk

30 years of experience

Connecting innovation with experience

  • We are one of the oldest implantology clinics in Poland, with many years of experience in the reconstruction and creation of a smile using dental implants.
  • We’re looking after the third generation of our patients already, continually following the development of surgery and implantology around the world.
  • Dentistry is one of the fastest growing medical fields. Over the past decades, the technology of teeth treatment and reconstruction has undergone a true revolution.
  • Thanks to innovative methods, we can achieve what seemed impossible just 10 years ago, as evidenced by the metamorphoses of our patients.
assets tooth

Immediate reconstruction
of the smile

assets family

We provide a nice,
family atmosphere

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We are the precursor
of implantology in Poland

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We have over
30 years of experience

Our specializations

Allon4 1


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A modern dentist in Gdańsk
for the whole family


kompleksowej diagnostyce


wysokiej klasy sprzęcie


wykwalifikowanym personelu

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Innovative methods of
dental treatment and reconstruction

We set ourselves increasingly higher goals: we listen carefully to patients and constantly train under the supervision of specialists from Poland and abroad. Thanks to this, we are able to offer innovative methods of treatment and reconstruction of teeth (even in the case of multiple cavities or edentulism).

We are perfectly aware that dentistry is a profession of public trust. For many years, in our clinic in Gdańsk, we have been doing everything to earn it. We use modern methods of anesthesia that effectively minimize the discomfort associated with a visit to the dentist.

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Dental treatment
adults and children

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We approach treatment holistically, skillfully combining dentistry with orthodontics, implantology, prosthetics and temporomandibular joint diagnostics.

Our goal is not only to treat patients, but also to educate them about oral hygiene, which is the basis of a healthy and beautiful smile.

A dentist is a doctor to whom patients come regardless of age. That is why in our clinic in Gdańsk we offer comprehensive treatment for adults and children.

We specialize in implantology, maxillofacial surgery, periodontology, aesthetic dentistry, and endodontics. We work with certified equipment, adhering to all sanitary standards.

We do not forget about the mental comfort of patients, creating a friendly place for entire families.

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Transform your smile!

The flagship treatment in our clinic is the procedure All-on-4®, thanks to which patients undergo  a spectacular smile metamorphosis , and thus a huge change in the quality of life. We replace teeth destroyed by disease or uncomfortable removable dentures with a permanent bridge, functioning and deceptively resembling  natural teeth .

Przesuń aby zobaczyć rezultaty zabiegu

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Our dental clinic is located in one of the best-connected districts of Gdańsk – Żabianka. There is a bus and tram stop and an SKM platform nearby. Patients can also easily reach us by car – not only from Gdańsk, but also from nearby Sopot and Gdynia.

Opening hours:

mon – fr: 9.00 – 18.00