Jaw Surgery
in Gdańsk

Surgery occupies an important place in Frankowski Dental offices. We have an excellently equipped operating room. In sterile conditions, we can perform the most complex treatments according to proven global procedures. Their course can be recorded and played back on the monitor screen. The records are attached to the patient records.
We deal with surgery of odontogenic diseases, e.g. cysts, impacted wisdom teeth, root resection, but also preparing the jaws for prosthetic reconstruction and implantation through bone reconstruction procedures.
The bone reconstruction procedure creates conditions for the implantation of dental implants in the case of significant atrophy of the alveolar ridges. We prepare the place for dental implants by lifting the maxillary sinus floor (the so-called sinus lift), or by lateralization of the alveolar nerve, i.e., by moving it in a way that enables a safe insertion of the implant in the mandible.
Our leading procedure in the field of bone reconstruction is the augmentation of the alveolar ridge with the patient’s own bone (autograft). This incomparably increases the success rate of this procedure.
Comprehensive care and modern treatment methods
ensuring patient safety and comfort during surgical procedures.
For all procedures, the patient is anesthetized locally or generally by an anaesthesiologist.
We use antibiotic protection, especially in patients with comorbidities. We support ourselves with hilotherapy, i.e., cooling the place of surgery, which promotes better healing. Laser and ozone therapy significantly reduces post-treatment ailments.

We routinely use a piezoelectric bone cutting device. Piezosurgery provides precision and confidence to the operator. The patient is protected against damage to soft tissues, e.g., nerves and vessels. Proper cooling prevents tissue overheating.
Thanks to computed tomography diagnostics, we can precisely plan the scope and course of surgical intervention, considering individual anatomical conditions. All the steps taken are aimed at creating conditions in which the patient will feel safe, and the surgeon will perform professionally planned procedures.